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Will my commercial insurance cover the burst pipes in my place of business?

Like most insurance, commercial insurance is designed to meet and suit a business’s specific needs and preferences. For most business owners, there are many moving parts when running their business. As a result, insurance can be a beneficial piece of the puzzle. More often than not, unexpected events and situations can wreak havoc on a business, especially if insurance isn’t a piece of the puzzle. The team at Riverside Insurance Agency Inc. understands the positive impact that commercial insurance has and is committed to helping Byram MS business owners get the coverage they need.

What is Commercial Insurance?

Commercial insurance is insurance designed for businesses. Specifically, commercial or business insurance protects businesses from loss and provides liability protection as well. Losses can include accidents, theft, fraud, natural disasters, and more. Business insurance can also protect employees. It is designed to provide businesses with financial, liability, and medical coverage. Your insurance policy is designed to meet the unique needs of your business. For example, if you drive cars for your business, your commercial insurance policy should include business auto insurance, not personal. If you use your car for business, you will need to invest in a commercial auto insurance policy in addition to your personal auto insurance.

Will my commercial insurance cover the burst pipes in my place of business?

Yes. Typically, commercial insurance provides coverage for repairing or replacing any damage your place of business, tools, machines, and vehicles may incur. However, if the damage results from negligence, the repair of the damage may not be covered. If you have questions about commercial insurance, call us. We’d be happy to answer all of your questions and help you explore your options.

Choosing the Right Home Insurance in Byram: Expert Advice from Riverside Insurance Agency Inc.

Did you know that there are options for home insurance in Byram, MS? Many people simply go with what is first offered without having any knowledge about customizing a policy.

First, it’s essential to know that your home policy covers a few things:

  • The home
  • Other buildings on your property
  • Your personal belongings
  • Liability coverage
  • Loss of use

At Riverside Insurance Agency Inc., we’re here to ensure you’ve explored all of the coverage options and have a policy that’s built to your specifications and within your budget.

Explore the Coverage Options

There are a few ways to get coverage on your home. Consider whether you want coverage based on the actual cost of the home, the replacement cost, or an extended replacement cost. If your house were to be destroyed, the coverage could matter significantly.

Additionally, you’ll want to look at the values associated with liability, such as if someone gets hurt on your property or if someone in your household damages someone else’s property.

If you have many high-value items, you may also want to increase the coverage on your personal belongings.

Working with an agent can help you cover the various “what if” scenarios.

Look at Deductibles

The deductible on your insurance policy can vary. This is the out-of-pocket expense you pay before the insurance company covers the rest.

Having a smaller deductible can make it easier for you to file a claim, but it can also lead to higher premiums. This is why you’ll want to weigh the risks of what could happen and also get quotes with a few different deductibles. It allows you to make an intelligent choice about your policy.

Be sure that you have home insurance coverage in Byram, MS, that truly offers you peace of mind. Call Riverside Insurance Agency so that our expert agents can help you with the details.

Why Byram Renters Need Insurance: A Comprehensive Guide

When you live in Byram, MS, it’s important to protect the home you live in. Whether it’s a house, condo, or apartment, you have to consider what kind of protection is in place. Particularly if you rent, assumptions could leave you in a difficult situation. The good news is that Riverside Insurance Agency Inc. can show you why renters insurance is a necessity.

Why Renters Insurance is a Must

Landlords have insurance on their property, which includes everything from single-family homes to large apartment complexes. However, their policies protect their interests, not yours.

If there’s a fire, their insurance covers the building. However, everything that belongs to you isn’t covered. The same is true about flooding and other disasters that could occur.

With a renters insurance policy in Byram, MS, you get the coverage you need for what belongs to you – furniture, artwork, and other valuables. You’d be covered against disasters outside of your control and break-ins.

If you can’t live in the rental while repairs are being made, your rental insurance policy may also cover a hotel, meals, and other expenses.

How to Get the Right Policy

There are lots of things to consider when you get a renters insurance policy:

  • The value of your belongings
  • The type of security in place
  • Type of rental you’re in
  • The zip code you’re in

Building a policy should be custom to you and your needs, which is why you should never blindly buy a policy on the internet. At Riverside Insurance Agency Inc., we have experienced agents who can guide you through the process, learn more about your rental, and ensure that the policy offers the utmost protection.

When you’re ready to shop for a rental policy, give us a call.

Navigating Mississippi Roads: A Comprehensive RV Insurance Guide for Byram Residents

Choosing the perfect RV insurance policy can often seem like a Herculean task, which is precisely why Riverside Insurance Agency Inc. is here to simplify the process for Byram, MS residents. We strive to provide information that aligns you with the policies best suited for your needs. In an effort to impart wisdom about RV insurance and our role in assisting you, we’ve put together this comprehensive guide.

Navigating Garaging Addresses

Once upon a time, providing your home address was sufficient for insurance purposes. However, current trends have many RV owners providing multiple addresses to accommodate their various travels. Thus, it becomes vital to discuss your travel frequency and destinations when choosing a policy to ensure it aligns perfectly with your plans.

Understanding Toad Vehicles

In RV parlance, toad vehicles refer to automobiles towed along with the RV. Often overlooked during policy selection, it’s crucial to consider what would happen if an accident occurred while you are traveling. It’s essential to choose a policy that accounts for this possibility. A separate policy may occasionally be called for these vehicles to avoid footing astronomical damages.

What About Older RVs?

While newer RVs can be insured for full replacement value or something proximate, older RVs may not enjoy the same luxury. Owners usually go for a policy built around an agreed-upon value in such cases. Discussing them with an insurance provider becomes necessary to ensure you have complete clarity on your options.

If you are a Byram, MS resident looking for a top-tier RV insurance policy, we welcome you to contact Riverside Insurance Agency Inc. Our diligent team stands ready to answer your call and address your queries. Give us a call, or visit us to explore potential RV policies tailored to your specific needs.

What are common motorcycle insurance exclusions?

Mississippi law requires motorcycle operators to prove they can meet the minimum property and bodily injury liability requirements. Having an appropriate insurance policy is the most common form of proof. However, violating specific exclusions stated in your policy may invalidate your policy, so it is crucial to understand your policy exclusions. If you live in or near Byram, MS, and want to under your policy exclusions or have other insurance questions, the Riverside Insurance Agency Inc. is here to help.

Common Motorcycle Insurance Exclusions

Every motorcycle insurance policy includes language that excludes or invalidates your coverage in certain situations. That means you will not be covered for accidents that occur when you do not operate your motorcycle safely or when using unsafe equipment because they increase the likelihood of causing an accident and its severity.

Each policy is different, so you should review your individual coverage, but standard exclusions include participating in an organized race or riding:

  • Recklessly or while intentionally damaging property
  • With the intent of hurting yourself or others
  • While committing a crime
  • Under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance
  • While delivering products or transporting passengers for hire

Coverage is also invalidated when you lend your motorcycle to someone not named in your policy.

Every policy details these exclusions, so you should review them with your agent to ensure you understand each exclusion. In some cases, such as using your motorcycle to make deliveries, you can obtain a commercial vehicle policy that covers you in those situations.

Working With Riverside Insurance Agency Inc.

The Riverside Insurance Agency Inc. serves the Byram, MS, area. If you live nearby and need a motorcycle or other insurance, our friendly team is ready to help you. Please stop by or call us today at 601-371-8355.

Recreational Insurance is Critical for Cross-Country Trips

With the help of our team at Riverside Insurance Agency Inc., you can protect your Byram, MS recreational vehicles, no matter what your situation. For example, if you’re heading on a cross-country trip and want to keep your vehicle safe, it’s important to ensure you take the right steps here.

Your Recreational Vehicles Need Protection 

Cross-country camping trips are a great way to see the nation and experience the world. However, it’s also a potentially damaging way to impact your vehicles and cause real long-term issues. For example, putting thousands of miles on an RV while traveling puts it at risk of breakdown. 

If your camper does break down on the road, who is going to pay to haul it away and fix it? You, that’s who! Most likely out of your pocket without insurance. Thankfully, there are many high-quality insurance options that can help you keep your vehicle safe from long-term damage issues.

How to Find a Policy 

When seeking out a recreational insurance policy, it’s important to take your vehicle type into consideration. Then, you need to make sure you find coverage that makes the most sense for you. This step includes gauging what kind of damage might occur to your vehicle unexpectedly.

Then, you can work with your team to find a policy that works with our current ones. For example, many agencies provide protection of multiple types that you can bundle together into one package. That step is smart if you want your insurance to be streamlined, efficient, and effective.

Contact Us to Learn More

Riverside Insurance Agency Inc. can help Byram, MS residents find recreational insurance that makes sense for their needs. No matter what recreational vehicle you own, we can give you the support that you need. Don’t hesitate to contact us today to learn more about our options.

Do I Need Insurance Coverage for a Kayak?

Nothing can be more relaxing and renewing than getting out on the river or lake and spending time in nature. This is why many people spend their summer vacations boating, either in a canoe, kayak or even a larger boat of some sort. If you’re a Byram, MS resident and you have just purchased a kayak, you’re probably quite excited. You may wonder if you need insurance coverage for your kayak in Byram, MS.

Here is a brief overview that can help you understand what is required before you can enjoy your kayak:

Exempt from Registration

In the state of Mississippi, kayaks and other non-motorized boats are exempt from registration. Since it’s not necessary to register your kayak, having it insured is not required. However, many people opt to purchase insurance policies for their kayaks as an added measure of security. 

Safety Rules and Regulations

Even though you’re not required to cover your kayak under insurance, it’s mandatory that you follow certain rules and regulations set forth by the state to ensure your safety while out on the water. You should check with the state government to obtain a full list of these rules and regulations before heading out on the water. You will find rules like boating education, necessary boating safety gear, and much more. It’s better to be informed ahead of time instead of going out on the water not knowing. 

Call Today To Discuss Your Options

As you can see, it is not a requirement to purchase insurance coverage for your kayak, but it’s always a good idea to have insurance. We at Riverside Insurance Agency Inc. are available to meet all your boating insurance needs and more. Contact us at Riverside Insurance Agency Inc. today for a quote so that we can get your new insurance policy started if you decide to do so. 

Make Sure you Have Enough Liability Protection With Umbrella Insurance

It’s always important to have enough liability coverage in case a serious accident happens. Many people have both an auto policy and a home policy to protect themselves. However, these may be lacking in a type of coverage that you badly need. They often don’t have very much liability coverage, and this can leave you at risk of huge expenses. If you have these two policies, it can be helpful to get an umbrella policy to add to the amount of coverage you have on both.

When you need umbrella coverage, call us at Riverside Insurance Agency Inc. in Byram, MS.

Adding More Liability Coverage

With your home policy, liability coverage is very important in case someone has an accident while on your property. This can be extremely expensive when there are injuries that require medical attention. Home policies often have little of this coverage, though. The same is often true with auto insurance. When you add extra liability insurance to your home and auto policies individually, the price can be quite high. Many people find that doing so is unaffordable for them. That’s why there’s umbrella insurance. It adds more liability coverage to both of these policies, and it doesn’t cost much. It’s a great way to keep yourself better protected. 

Paying the Overages

If you don’t have enough liability coverage and an expensive accident does happen, there may be an overage due once your home or auto policy has paid out as much as it can. This overage maybe thousands of dollars. When you have an umbrella policy, it pays this overage after your auto or home policy has maxed out. The maximum payout of umbrella policies is extremely high. 

Get Umbrella Insurance Today

When you’re interested in getting more liability coverage, call us at Riverside Insurance Agency Inc. in Byram, MS. 

More Than Aid: How Flood Insurance Keeps Nonprofits Running During Floods

From non-profit food banks to disaster relief organizations in the Byram, MS area, these entities are essential in assisting those in need. However, their ability to fulfill their missions can fail when flooding occurs. 

The Vulnerability of Non-Profits to Flooding

Non-profits use physical facilities, equipment, and assets to accomplish their missions. These assets can include office spaces, warehouses, vehicles, and more. These assets can risk extensive damage or destruction in floods, disrupting the organization’s ability to provide vital services.

How Flood Insurance Supports Non-Profits

Flood insurance handles damage and losses caused by floods. Non-profits must protect their assets and maintain operations during and after a flood event. Listed are the benefits:

1. Asset Protection: Flood insurance significantly reduces the financial burden of repairing or replacing damaged assets. It allows them to continue their work without a long hiatus or the need for additional fundraising efforts to cover flood-related costs.

2. Business Interruption Coverage: Some flood insurance policies offer business interruption coverage in addition to asset protection. If a non-profit is forced to temporarily cease its operations due to flood-related damage, the insurance can compensate for lost income and assist with continuing essential services.

3. Consistent Service Delivery: For many non-profits, their services are critical to the well-being of their communities. Flood insurance helps ensure that these services can continue without significant disruption.

4. Access to Resources: Non-profits often have limited resources, and diverting funds from their mission to repair flood damage can be a significant setback. Flood insurance ensures that financial resources remain available for the non-profit’s primary objectives rather than for recovery efforts.

Riverside Insurance Agency Inc. Can Help You

At Riverside Insurance Agency Inc., we can help answer questions concerning flood insurance. We serve the Byram, MS area. Contact us today.

Understanding the Parts of an Auto Insurance Policy

Buying auto insurance for the first time in Byram, MS can be confusing. Learning how to read the parts of the policy is essential so you can understand your coverage. When you buy auto insurance from Riverside Insurance Agency Inc., our agents will work with you to determine coverage levels and help you understand your policy.

The Major Sections

When buying auto insurance, you’ll see several different types of coverage. Some are mandatory, while others are optional. Among the sections you will see are:

  • Liability – for bodily injury and property damage
  • Medical payments – provides coverage for medical and hospital treatment for injured passengers
  • Uninsured/underinsured motorists – covers your medical expenses and sometimes
  • Collision – pays for the damages to your vehicle when another one hits it
  • Comprehensive – pays for damages caused by hitting an animal, object hitting or falling on your vehicle, and similar circumstances.

Mississippi requires all vehicle owners to have minimum liability coverage for bodily injury and property damage. Optional coverages are collision, comprehensive, and uninsured/underinsured motorists. Most policyholders have at least one optional coverage to provide peace of mind if an accident occurs.

Understanding Your Declarations Page

Policy owners will find a summary of their coverage information on the declaration page. You’ll see basic information such as the policy number, policy terms (usually 12 months), and the company and agency information. Other pertinent information includes your name, the make and model of your insured vehicle, including its VIN, the premium, and any applicable discounts. This page will also list coverage amounts for mandatory and optional coverage types.

Reach Out To Us

You can trust Riverside Insurance Agency Inc. in Byram, MS to provide quality auto insurance that will meet your needs. Contact us today to get started on your quote.

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Partner Carriers

  • ASI
  • Berkshire Hathaway
  • Foremost
  • Heritage
  • Liberty Mutual
  • MetLife
  • Orion 180
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • Southern Fidelity
  • State Auto
  • Travelers